URGENT! buyer price is wrong even switching on 'include shipping price'

Zing Teh

i found 1 product in autods and also get supplier from cjdropshipping copy and paste my product into autods, but both of the product buyer price didn't include shipping price even i do switch on include shipping price. i realise this issue when i place the order in auds and now ends up my selling price is way higher than the buyer price. it is very crucial that if the buyer price is not accurately stated - not just for 1 product but 2, mayb even more but just haven't realised yet. may i know what's wrong and how to get the actual buyer price instead if i have set 'including shipping price' and that's the only button i can set to get the buyer price? As this caused non profit but also making loss of money. who going to bear this loss? it's very crucial to get this problem fixed and i need a respond on this ASAP.