Automatic Messages

Justin McCallum

If a customer buys more than 1 item as part of the same order, it would be cool to have the Automatic Messages only send (and also combine) when all items in that order have updated to Order was placed, Tracking number available, and Order was delivered, respectively.

For example, have the tracking number available message display all tracking numbers for all items all in one message instead of separate messages for each item. That way, if a customer orders 3 items for example, they only get 1 message with all 3 tracking numbers as opposed to 3 separate messages which can clog up the customers emails and spam them in the mobile version of the messaging system.

I've had multiple customers mention that they sometimes miss other messages because they get multiple messages per item. Plus, if I need to reach the customer for some other issue, that message can get lost because they get 9 other messages when just ordering 3 items.


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Azher Mir

Im facing similar issuer
AutoDS is sending multiple delivery messages to the same buyer based on the quantity of their order. For example, if the quantity is two, AutoDS will send two messages, and if the quantity is three, it will send three messages. As you know, this is not a good practice, as it can be perceived as spamming buyers with the same message repeatedly. I kindly request that you look into this matter and resolve this error promptly