FEED for Dynamic Ads


If I use Autods for Dropshipping . ( From Aliexpress to Amazon )- Does Autods Provides a product feed that can be used for dynamic Remarketing_Ads, Technically it should be possible because austosd has products/ list in their own Database, from here A CSV file can be generated with all the parameters.

2/Possibility to intergrate and Sync Feeds with Ad platforms:$ like Google, pinterest and facebook, snap chat and Adroll. ( Google Merchant API allow this sync ), Rest Ad platforms allow easy and smooth Feed Integration


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For Example: lets say the product url is like this

IF this product Syns into GMC ( where Autods is reacting as a standalone store) . i can run a normal shopping, plus dynamic Ad
where for Destination url ( AutoDs can build unter the main url a box where user can define the destination Url and Pixels BOX to add facebook or Google TAG) allowing him to redirect the user/s towards Amazon product/s , plus at the same time Pixel will fire which allow Dynamic Remarketing effectivelly

using custom Audiences : I can define the traffic base on URL/s
so...IF someone visit Mystore_customer_Id.Autods.com/Product/Table_Lamp
two things happen, user will be redirected and again FB pixel will trigger : Which allow me to go FB Manager and run a ad...