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Every time I tried to import an Amazon Rewened item to AutoDS it showed item out of stock, and the item is available, The same...
Please make a feature that we can export the PRODUCTS in CSV file like on the ORDERS tab.
An option to choose a price range that the user wants to upload using AutoDs Finder.
please fix the import videos from aliexpress
Please add the ability to import customized/personalized products from suppliers such as pillows, rugs, ring boxes, wedding...
Currently, AutoDS counts each product variation (e.g., different colors or sizes) as a separate product in our import limits,...
Hey, When I import a product into Draft from Hand-Picked Products, I can’t seem to revisit the product analysis that was...
Hi there, We would suggest to add a functionality (on supplier and/or product level in AutoDS) to manually set the fields...
In autods, we can see the delivery information in business days. But when we import this product, such product delivery insight...
As a user outside of English speaking countries, I would like to select one or multiple product information languages when...