Mandatory Item Specifications should be imported from ebay

  • Live

Rizwan Khan

Item Specifications should be imported from ebay upon selection of the category. there are various items when you publish to ebay comes up with error due to missing the mandatory information. In addition, if we add Item Specifications from ebay directly and then for any reason hit save on AUTODS all Item Specifications are DELETED from ebay! its like loosing all the information, hence it would be good to have the ability to amend the Item Specifications directly from the autods!!! thanks


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I agree


Lior Pozin

Status changed to: Live


Yarden Weizman

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Rizwan Khan

glad to see its in progress, could i please suggest that you also IMPORT the Recommended info once its updated on Ebay, as I have added recommended info on 100s of ebay items but that is DELETED from EBAY next time AutoDS make a change of price etc, i am never able to maintain the listings on ebay and add such information as its deleted again & again by AutoDS hence all such information should be IMPORTED!

  • L

Lior Pozin

Status changed to: In progress