Add Product Pricing to Drafts List View

Scott Mashimo

Please add the original product pricing to the draft view. This is important because some of us are using a non-prime Amazon account and therefore need to keep the pricing above $25. It is very hard to see if I have Products added to the drafts below $25 without clicking into each one. In many cases this occurs because I add variances or because I accidentally didn't make note of the price before adding.


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Scott Mashimo

Let me also make the reason for this request perfectly clear. Using an Amazon prime account is against their terms of service. While an individual can continue to create other accounts, it's a hassle to use them and needs to be done through a proxy. The Amazon terms of service, however, does not apply to a non-prime account. You can continue to ship to other people through this other account and not get penalized by Amazon. This is what my request covers. Most people do not need to track the original buy price of an item and I understand that however, as more and more people get their Amazon accounts canceled, this is the safe and legal way to use your account. In order to get free shipping from Amazon you need to have a product which is a minimum of $25. Thus the need to track the original buy price.


Scott Mashimo

Here's another screen shot to make it clearer of what I'm asking for.