UBI, Yanwen, TNT, DHL, Seller Shipping Method, AU Post, Aliexpress Standard Shipping.
Also adding an option for the AO to choose one of these carriers when order is placed.
29-03-2021 - 4 years ago
Newest / Oldest
jeremie bussines
Hello, I would like to be able to choose the delivery I want for AliExpress and put by default the fastest delivery with tracking or other.
Activity Newest / Oldest
jeremie bussines
Hello, I would like to be able to choose the delivery I want for AliExpress and put by default the fastest delivery with tracking or other.
Yarden Weizman
Post moved to this board
lolo bop
Ya how do we make sure you guys will pick the correct shipping for us?
Lior Pozin
Status changed to: In progress