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Ability to ship to physical store from supplier. If the customer chooses to pickup the item in the physical store at checkout,...
Hi Auto DS - new feature suggestion - can I request that you create the option for us to remove items in bulk Ideally I would...
Another thing is the Option to delete cancelled Orders- Might need to clean up the unprocessed/cancelled Orders in queue.
Having a field that indicates which buyer account the order was made on would be extremely helpful as it would simplify the...
Please make it possible for personalized products, where the customer needs to upload a photo, to have the uploaded photo sent...
Please add buyer shipping info (name, address) to the export file of orders
Allow Orders to be purchased in different currency's when using fullfilled by autods so that fulfilled can work for amazon uk
I want an option to request refunds and partial refunds based on poor shipping timing. The customer bought an item that was...
Might be a good idea to enable cash on delivery- its a good strategy to maximize buyers